History of James Burns In freemasonry

James Burnes, a prominent figure in Freemasonry, played a significant role in the history of Scottish Freemasonry in India. He was instrumental in the establishment and development of various lodges and chapters, as well as the promotion of inclusion and diversity within the fraternity.

 Burnes served as the Grand Master and RWM of Lodge Perseverance No. 338 S.C., and he was also the Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of India. His efforts in saving the last remaining English Lodge in India, Lodge Perseverance No. 543, and his pioneering work in promoting Scottish Freemasonry over the English Constitution are noteworthy. Burnes’ influence extended to the formation of new lodges, such as Lodge St. Andrews’-in-the-East No. 343 at Poona, and his role in the establishment of Scottish Freemasonry in the Deccan. Additionally, Burnes was involved in the formation of the Royal Arch Chapter Perseverance No. 71, which played a vital role in the creation of other chapters in India. His dedication to Freemasonry and his contributions to the craft are evident in his extensive involvement and leadership within the fraternity.