History of Freemasonry In Bombay

The history of Freemasonry in Bombay dates back to the early 18th century when the United Grand Lodge of England received a petition from Brethren in India to constitute a Provincial Grand Lodge in Calcutta. This led to the appointment of George Pomfret as Provincial Grand Master to supervise Masonic activity in India and the Far East. The first Lodge in Bombay, Lodge Perseverance No. 546 E.C., was founded in 1828 under the English Constitution. The membership was initially confined to the European community, and it wasn’t until 1843 that the first Indian, Bro. Umdatul-Umera, was initiated into Freemasonry. The history of Freemasonry in Bombay also includes significant events such as the laying of the foundation of the present Freemasons’ Hall in Mumbai in 1897, the consecration and dedication of the Freemasons’ Hall in 1899, and the formation of various Lodges and District Grand Lodges. The history of Freemasonry in Bombay reflects its growth, development, and the influential figures who have contributed to its establishment and progress over the years.