Application to Join

To apply to become a member of Freemasonry, there are specific requirements and expectations that need to be considered. The requirements to become a Freemason include having a reputation of exemplary moral character in the community, believing in God, being a loyal citizen, being of a certain age (21, unless your father is or was a Freemason, in which case the age of admission may be reduced to 18 at the discretion of the Lodge), being in a financial position to support yourself as a member of the Lodge without causing detriment to your family or yourself, coming of your own free will and with a strong commitment to becoming a Freemason, and being recommended by two Freemasons who can vouch for your character.

The expectations of Freemasonry include being part of a Brotherhood of men who share a focus on moral and spiritual values, professing a belief in God, regardless of their religion, and abiding by the laws of their country, using allegories and symbolism to teach liberal arts and sciences, experiencing a unique path to self-understanding, and working together with Lodge Members to ensure that new members are received among true Brothers.

It is important to note that the decision to join Freemasonry should be based on personal interest and alignment with its values rather than external expectations. It is recommended to explore and understand the organization fully before making a commitment.