Who are Freemason's

Freemasons are members of the world’s oldest fraternal organization, known for their regalia, arcane symbols, and secret signs of recognition. Despite its longevity, Freemasonry has often been shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. However, it is important to understand what Freemasonry is not:

  1. Freemasonry is not a cult: While the rituals and practices of Freemasonry may seem mysterious to outsiders, it is not a cult. It is a fraternal organization that promotes moral and ethical values, personal growth, and charitable endeavors.

  2. Freemasonry is not clannish or secretive: Although Freemasonry has a tradition of privacy and discretion, it is not an exclusive or secretive group. Freemasons come from diverse backgrounds and professions, and they are committed to fostering brotherhood and unity among its members.

  3. Freemasonry is not sinister: The negative portrayals of Freemasonry in popular culture have contributed to misconceptions about its nature. In reality, Freemasonry promotes virtues such as humility, patience, charity, and gentleness. It is dedicated to the welfare of its members and the betterment of society. Freemasonry is a worldwide organization with a long and complex history. Its members have included men of stature and renown from various fields. Freemasonry emphasizes loyalty to one’s country and its laws, and it recognizes the shared humanity and brotherhood of all individuals.